William Wordsworth’s 15 One-liner Questions

15 Imp. One-liner Questions about William Wordsworth

1- Whose poetry was in search of sublime moments, as well as beauty in the lives of simple rural people?

Ans- Wordsworth’s poetry

2- When was The Prelude begun?

Ans- In 1799

3- Which work of S. T. Coleridge’s contained an analysis of a broad range of philosophical life?

Ans- Biographia Literaria

4- When was The Prelude completed?

Ans- In 1850

5- When was The Prelude published?

Ans- In 1850, after his death

6- When was the first version of The Prelude published?

Ans- In 1799

7- When was the second version of The Prelude published?

Ans- In 1805

8- How many books were there in the first version of The Prelude?

Ans- 2 books

9- How many books were there in the second version of The Prelude?

Ans- 13 books

10- When was the final version of The Prelude published?

Ans- In 1850

11- How many books were there in the final version of The Prelude?

Ans- 14 books

12- What was the subtitle of The Prelude?

Ans- Growth of a Poet’s Mind; An Autobiographical Poem

13- In which poem did Wordsworth described the beauty and richness of childhood?

Ans- The Prelude

14- To more than infant softness, giving me, /Among the fretful dwellings of mankind.” From which poem has this line been taken?

Ans- The Prelude

15- Who described Wordsworth’s poem The Prelude as a ‘lyrical bildungsroman’?

Ans- Richard Clarke

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