Compound Prepositions (संयुक्त प्रेपोजीशन)

Compound Prepositions

(Prepositions formed by combining words)

  1. Ahead of – से आगे
    Example: He is ahead of everyone in the race.
  2. Apart from – के अलावा
    Example: Apart from English, he also speaks French.
  3. As to – के बारे में
    Example: There is no clarity as to what will happen next.
  4. As for – जहां तक
    Example: As for me, I prefer tea over coffee.
  5. Because of – के कारण
    Example: The match was delayed because of the rain.
  6. By means of – के माध्यम से
    Example: They communicated by means of letters.
  7. In front of – के सामने
    Example: The car is parked in front of the building.
  8. In place of – की जगह
    Example: Use a pencil in place of a pen.
  9. On account of – के कारण
    Example: He missed school on account of illness.
  10. Out of – से बाहर
    Example: She ran out of the room in fear.
  11. With regard to – के संबंध में
    Example: He spoke with regard to the ongoing project.
  12. In spite of – के बावजूद
    Example: He succeeded in spite of the challenges.

Phrase Prepositions

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