How to Make Indirect Speech of Imperative Sentences

Imperative Sentences का Indirect Speech कैसे बनाएं

Imperative Sentences में आज्ञा (Order), प्रार्थन (Request) या , सलाह (Advice), अनुरोध (Request)आदि भाव प्रकट होते है l

Rule 1- अगर Reported Speech के भाग में आज्ञा दी गयी हो तो Indirect बनाते समय Reporting verb ‘said’ को ordered या commanded में बदल देते है l

Rule 2- Indirect बनाते समय Reporting verb ‘said’ के बाद प्रयुक्त To को हटा देते है l

Rule 3- Indirect बनाते समय [, ” ] के स्थान पर to का प्रयोग करते है l

Rule 4-Indirect बनाते समय Reported part के verb के रूप में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते है

For Example:-
Direct-  The boss said to his servant, “Bring the box.”
Indirect-  The boss ordered his servant to bring the box.

Direct-  The teacher said. “stand up on the bench.”
Indirect-  The teacher commanded to stand up on the bench.

Rule 5- अगर Reported Speech के भाग में प्रार्थना की गयी हो तो Indirect बनाते समय Reporting verb \’said\’ को prayed, requested, begged या implored आदि में बदल देते है l तथा वाक्य में आये Please या Kindly शव्दों को हटा देते है l

Rule 6- Indirect बनाते समय Reported part के verb के पहले to का प्रयोग करते है l

For Example:-
Direct-  He said to Papa, “Please give me some rupees.”
Indirect-  He requested papa to give him some rupees.

Direct-  The boy said. “Kindly give me food to eat.”
Indirect-  The boy requested to give him food to eat.

Rule 7- यदि वाक्य में सलाह का बोध हो तो Indirect बनाते समय Reported verb को advised, suggested या urged आदि में बदल देते है l

For Example:-
Direct-  He said to him, “Take some exercise daily.”
Indirect-  He advised him to take some exercise daily.

Direct-  The father said to me. ” Do your work on time.”
Indirect-  The father suggested me to do my work on time.

Rule 8- यदि Reported Speech ‘Do not’ से प्रारंभ हो तो Indirect बनाते समय या तो हम said को advised या ordered में बदल देते है तथा do को हटा कर not के पश्चात् to का प्रयोग करते है या फिर said के स्थान पर forbade का प्रयोग करके do not को हटा देते है और verb के पहले to का प्रयोग करते है l

For Example:-
Direct-  The teacher said to the student, “Don’t waste your time.”
Indirect-  The teacher advised the student not to waste his time.

Direct-  The father said to me. ” Do not eat too much sweets.”
Indirect-  The father forbade me to eat too much sweets.

Rule 9- यदि Reported Speech ‘Never’ से प्रारंभ हो तो Indirect बनाते समय या तो हम said को advised में बदल देते है तथा never के पश्चात् to का प्रयोग करते है l

For Example:-
Direct-  The teacher said to the student, “Never waste your time.”
Indirect-  The teacher advised the student never to waste his time.

Direct-  The father said to me. ” Never eat too much sweets.”
Indirect-  The father advised me never to eat too much sweets.

Let’s Learn The Use Of ‘Let’ [ आओ Let वाले वाक्यों का अध्ययन करें ]

Rule 1- यदि Reported Speech ‘Let us या Let’s’ से प्रारंभ हो तो इससे किसी सुझाव या प्रस्ताव का बोध होता है l Indirect बनाते समय हम said को suggested या Proposed में बदल देते है तथा reporting part में आने वाले to को नहीं हटाते है l [ , ” ] के स्थान पर that का प्रयोग करते है l

Rule 2- यदि Reported Speech के ‘Let us या Let’s’ को हटा देते है और उनके स्थान पर they should या we should का प्रयोग करते है l

For Example:-
Direct-  The teacher said to the students, “Let’s discuss on the matter.”
Indirect-  The teacher proposed to the students that they should discuss on the matter.

Direct-  The father said to me. ” Let us go for a walk.”
Indirect-  The father suggested to me that we should go for a walk.

Rule 3-

यदि Reported Speech के ‘Let us या Let’s’ वाले वाक्य से आदेश प्रकट हो said को ordered में, प्रार्थना प्रकट हो तो requested में बदल देते है और [ , ” ] के स्थान to का प्रयोग करते है इसके बाद let वाला वाक्य लिखते है l

For Examples:-
Direct-  Sheela said to the students, “Let him discuss on the matter.”

Indirect-  Sheela ordered the students to let him discuss on the matter.            

Direct-  He said to me. ” Let me go for a walk.”
Indirect-  He requested me to let him go for a walk.

Rule 4-

let के स्थान पर that लगाकर भी नाउन या pronoun के बाद might be allowed to लगते है और verb का first फॉर्म प्रयोग करते है l

For Examples:-
Direct-  Sheela said to the students, “Let him discuss on the matter.”

Indirect-  Sheela ordered the students that he might be allowed to discuss on the matter.

Direct-  He said to me. ” Let me go for a walk.”
Indirect-  He requested me that he might be allowed to go for a walk.

विद्यारत्न ऑफिसियल

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