Sentence (वाक्य) Definition, Types and Examples

Sentence (वाक्य)

शब्दों का वह समूह जो पूर्ण अर्थ देता हो sentence कहलाता है l

1- Ram is my brother (Sentence)        but    Brother my is Ram. (Not sentence)
2- The cow is grazing in the field. (Sentence)         but    Grazing is in the cow field The. (Not sentence)

Parts Of Sentence (वाक्य के भाग)

Sentence निम्नलिखित दो भाग होते हैं l

1- Subject (कर्ता),
2- Predicate (विधेय)

Subject (कर्ता)

Sentence का वह भाग जिसके बारें में कुछ कहा जाता है अर्थात जो वाक्य में प्रमुख होता है( वाक्य में कार्य करने वाला भाग) subject कहलाता है l
1- Ram is learning his lesson.
2- My sweet heart wife goes for a walk daily.


वाक्य में जो कुछ भी subject के बारें में कहा जाता है predicate कहलाता है l
 1- Ram is learning his lesson.
 2- My sweetheart wife goes for a walk daily.

Components of a Sentence (वाक्य के घटक)

There are five components that can make up a sentence. They are,

Subject – The doer of the action. Example- Mohan laughs.
Verb – The action in the sentence. Example– You read.
Object – The receiver of the action. Example– You read a book.
Adjective -A word/phrase that modifies the subject or object in the sentence. Example– A tall man is working.
Adverb – An adverb or an adverb clause that provides us with more information about the verb, complement or another adjunct in the sentence
While most sentences contain a subject and a verb. There are sentences that start with a verb. Example– Do it fast.
Time – Time about the verb. Example– I shall go in the morning.
Preposition – Shows relation between two objects. Example– You are sitting in the room.
Conjunction – It joins two parts and makes co-relation between them. Example– You can not see, because you are blind.
Interjection – It expresses some feelings. Example– You read.
Punctuation (विराम चिन्ह)– (Use of symbols in sentences ” ” , ? ! .)

Go through the article on sentence structure to learn the different ways in which sentences can be constructed.

Kinds of Sentences (वाक्यों के प्रकार)

There are 5 main kinds of sentences-

1- Declarative or Assertive Sentence (कथनात्मक वाक्य)

2- Imperative Sentence (आज्ञासूचक वाक्य)

3- Interrogative Sentence (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)

4- Exclamatory Sentence (विष्मयादिबोधक वाक्य)

5- Optative Sentence (कामनासूचक वाक्य)

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