Letter (अक्षर)
बोलते समय हम बिभिन्न पारकर की ध्वनियाँ उत्पन्न करते है और लिखते समय उन्ही ध्वनियों के लिए बिभिन्न प्रकार के चिन्हों का प्रयोग करते है, इन्ही चिन्हों को ही letters कहते है l
A word is a group of letters that gives complete mearing. अक्षरों का वह समूह जो पूर्ण अर्थ देता हो word कहलाता है l
Mango, Parrot, Swim, Remember, Forget
These are words because they solid meanings.
But- Sndjdj, Knehdu, Vdndhy, Jhsgegdh
these are not words, although they are groups of letters, but they are not giving any meaning.
Parts of Words(शब्द के भाग)
कोई-कोई शब्द एक ही syllable (उच्चारण खंgiveड) का होता है और कोई-कोई एक से अधिक syllable के होते हैं l इन्हों अलग-अलग syllable को ही word part कहते हैं।
One syllable Words-
Man, Fast, Cheap, Great
More Than One syllable Words:- Forget (For/get )Two syllable Beautiful (Beau/ti/ful) Three syllables Clever (Cle/ver) Two syllables Gentleman (Gen/tle/man) Three syllables
Two Letter Words
am | an | as | at |
be | by | do | go |
he | if | in | is |
it | me | my | no |
of | on | or | so |
to | up | us | we |
do | Oh | Ah | me |
3 Letter Words
Air | Hat | Put |
Ate | Hit | Pot |
All | Has | Pop |
But | Had | Pin |
Bye | How | Rat |
Bad | Her | Rag |
Big | His | Rub |
Bed | Hen | Row |
Bat | Ink | Rug |
Boy | Ice | Run |
4 Letter Words
Come | Came | Calm |
Card | Coat | City |
Chat | Cash | Crow |
Cook | Cool | Dark |
Each | Evil | Even |
Ever | Face | Fact |
Four | Five | Fair |
Feel | Fell | Fire |
5 Letter Words
Dress | Fault | Fully | Hence |
Drill | Fibre | Funny | Night |
Drink | Field | Giant | Horse |
Drive | Fifth | Given | Hotel |
Drove | Fifty | Glass | House |
Dying | Fight | Globe | Human |
Eager | Final | Going | Ideal |
Early | First | Grace | Image |