Figures of Speech Objective Type Questions

Figures of Speech- Objective Type Questions


1-      What is the figure of speech in which a statement is made emphatic by over statement:

(a)- Hyperbole✅

(b)- Onomatopoeia

(c)- Apostrophe

(d)- Oxymoron

2-      Which of the following sentence has the figure of speech called \’Onomatopoeia\’?

(a)- I heard the water lapping on the crag.✅

(b)- Revenge is a kind of wild justice.

(c)- He is the wisest fool in his group.

(d)- O Hamlet! Thou hast cleft my heart in twain.

3-      Which Figures of Speech has been used in the following sentence.

\’What is that dirge-like murmur that I hear\’.

(a)- Simile

(b)- Metaphor

(c)- Onomatopoeia✅

(d)- Oxymoron

4-      What may be the definition of \’Alliteration\’:

(a)- Two opposite qualities are added

(b)- Repeated consonants in a sentence

(c)- A repetition of a speech sound in a sequence of words✅

(d)- Is a direct address to dead.

5-      Which figures of speech has been used in the sentence given below-

\’Seven sisters slept soundly on the sand\’.

(a)- Simile

(b)- Alliteration✅

(c)- Hyperbole

(d)- Oxymoron

6-      Which figures of speech is meant to be a tongue twister.

(a)- Metaphor

(b)- Onomatopoeia

(c)- Anaphora

(d)- Alliteration✅

7-      \’Every day, every night, every way possible, I want to be successful in this field\’.

Which figures of speech has been used in the above line?

(a)- Epanaphora✅

(b)- Oxymoron

(c)- Antithesis

(d)- Apostrophe

8-      \’O Life! I know not what thou art\’.

Which figures of speech has been used in the above line?

(a)- Assonance

(b)- Apostrophe✅

(c)- Oxymoron

(d)- Personification

9-      Which figures of speech has been used in the following line-

\’Life is bitter sweet\’.

1- Epanaphora

2- Apostrophe

3- Hyperbole

4- Oxymoron✅

10-   In which figures of speech things are shown as greater of less, better or worse, than they really are?

(a)- Simile

(b)- Antithesis

(c)- Hyperbole

(d)- Chiasmus

11-   In which figures of speech the grammar of one phrase in inverted in the following or later phrase?

(a)- Chiasmus✅

(b)- Onomatopoeia

(c)- Apostrophe

(d)- Simile

12-   Which figures of speech has been used in \’Death- pass away\’?

(a)- Chiasmus

(b)- Euphemism✅

(c)- Metaphor

(d)- Antithesis

13-   \’In this figure of speech, two opposite qualities are added to the same thing\’ this definition is of-

(a)- Oxymoron✅

(b)- Metaphor

(c)- Hyperbole

(d)- Antithesis

14-   \’Let not Ambition mock their useful toil\’.

Which figures of speech has been used in the above line?

(a)- Simile

(b)- Oxymoron

(c)- Personification✅

(d)- Euphemism

15-   Which figures of speech has been used in the following line?

\’The snake hisses in the bush\’.

(a)- Apostrophe

(b)- Oxymoron

(c)- Metaphor

(d)- Onomatopoeia

16-   Which of the following words are personified?

(a)- Revenge as an evil

(b)- Swift as a wind

(c)- Thirsty earth✅

(d)- Honest thief

17-   The figures of speech which \’consists in the use of word which suggests the sense by the sound\’, is called:

(a)- Oxymoron

(b)- Onomatopoeia

(c)- Personification

(d)- Hyperbole

18-   Which figures of speech has been used in the following line?

\’The fire of passion made him blind\’.

(a)- Apostrophe

(b)- Hyperbole

(c)- Metaphor

(d)- Personification

19-   In which figures of speech lifeless objects and abstract ideas are thought as living being?

(a)- Personification

(b)- Alliteration

(c)- Antithesis

(d)- Simile

20-   Find out the correct option of figures of speech used in the line given below.

\’They were swifter than eagles and stronger than lions\’

(a)- Oxymoron

(b)- Onomatopoeia

(c)- Hyperbole✅

(d)- Personification

21-   \’Even thus last night and two nights more, I lay and could win thee, sleep! By any stealth\’.

Which figures of speech is used in the above line?

(a)- Personification

(b)- Apostrophe✅

(c)- Onomatopoeia

(d)- Oxymoron

22-   The repetition of vowel sounds in a sequence of nearby words is called:

(a)- Rhyme

(b)- Assonance✅

(c)- Antithesis

(d)- Assonance

23-   What is a direct address to the dead, to the absent, or to a personified object or idea?

(a)- Epigram

(b)- Personification

(c)- Apostrophe✅

(d)- None of these

24-   What is the figures of speech when the real meaning is exactly the opposite of that which is expressed by words apparently?

(a)- Satire

(b)- Irony✅

(c)- Oxymoron

(d)- None of these

25-   What figures of speech has been used in the following line?

\’All the perfumes of Arabia cannot sweeten this little hand\’.

(a)- Metaphor

(b)- Oxymoron

(c)- Hyperbole✅

(d)- Apostrophe

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