Preposition List (प्रेपोजीशन सूची अंग्रेजी और हिन्दी में)

Preposition list

Preposition list is given below-

Simple Prepositions

About – बारे में
Example: He told me about his new job.

Above – ऊपर
Example: The bird flew above the clouds.

Across – पार
Example: They walked across the bridge.

After – बाद में
Example: She arrived after the party started.

Against – खिलाफ
Example: He fought against injustice.

Along – साथ में
Example: We walked along the beach.

Among – बीच में
Example: There was a lot of competition among the students.

Around – चारों ओर
Example: He looked around the room.

At – पर
Example: She is sitting at the table.

Before – पहले
Example: Finish your homework before you go out.

Behind – पीछे
Example: The car behind us honked loudly.

Below – नीचे
Example: The keys are below the newspaper.

Beneath – के नीचे
Example: The treasure was buried beneath the old tree.

Beside – के पास
Example: He sat beside his brother.

Between – बीच में
Example: The book is between the two candles.

Beyond – पार
Example: His efforts went beyond expectations.

By – द्वारा
Example: The letter was written by Mary.

Despite – के बावजूद
Example: Despite the rain, we played football.

During – के दौरान
Example: He slept during the movie.

Except – केवल
Example: Everyone came except John.

For – के लिए
Example: This gift is for you.

From – से
Example: She came from Italy.

In – में
Example: The cat is in the box.

Inside – अंदर
Example: It’s warmer inside the house.

Into – में
Example: He jumped into the pool.

Like – जैसा
Example: He runs like a cheetah.

Near – पास
Example: There is a supermarket near my house.

Of – का
Example: The coat of the man is black.

Off – से दूर
Example: Take your shoes off.

On – पर
Example: The book is on the table.

Onto – पर
Example: The cat jumped onto the roof.

Out – बाहर
Example: He went out for a walk.

Outside – बाहर
Example: It’s raining outside.

Over – ऊपर
Example: The plane flew over the city.

Past – गुजरा
Example: We walked past the museum.

Since – से
Example: He has been here since morning.

Through – के माध्यम से
Example: Drive through the tunnel.

Throughout – शुरू से अंत तक
Example: They stayed awake throughout the night.

To – को
Example: I gave the book to her.

Toward(s) – की ओर
Example: He walked towards the store.

Under – के नीचे
Example: The cat is under the table.

Underneath – के नीचे
Example: The treasure is underneath the floorboards.

Until – तक
Example: Wait here until I come back.

Up – ऊपर
Example: Look up at the sky.

Upon – पर
Example: The sun shone upon the fields.

With – साथ
Example: She went to the party with her friends.

Within – के भीतर
Example: The answer lies within these pages.

Without – के बिना
Example: He left without saying goodbye.

Alongside – के साथ
Example: The child walked alongside her mother.

Amid – के बीच
Example: The hut stood amid the forest.

Amidst – के बीच
Example: She was amidst a crowd of fans.

Below – नीचे
Example: The temperature is below zero.

Beyond – के पार
Example: The lake lies beyond the hills.

Excepting – को छोड़कर
Example: Excepting a few errors, the essay was well-written.

Inside – अंदर
Example: They stayed inside the house during the storm.

Opposite – के विपरीत
Example: The park is opposite the school.

Compound Prepositions

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