Study of Active Voice and Passive Voice

Active Voice and Passive Voice [ कर्तृवाच्य तथा कर्मवाच्य]

Active Voice [ कर्तृवाच्य ]:- ऐसे वाक्य जिनमे कर्ता की प्रधानता होती है अर्थात कर्ता को केंद्र मानकर कर्ता के बारे में कुछ कहा जाता है, कर्तृवाच्य कहलाते है l [ Those sentences in which subject is main, means something is said about subject, is called active voice.]

For Example:-
Active-  Sheela sings a sweet song.
Active-  They are playing football.
Active-  Birds eat worms.
Active-  He reads a book. Passive Voice [ कर्मवाच्य ]:- ऐसे वाक्य जिनमे कर्म की प्रधानता होती है अर्थात object को केंद्र मानकर object के बारे में कुछ कहा जाता है, कर्मवाच्य कहलाते है l [ Those sentences in which object is main, means something is said about object, is called passive voice.]

For Example:-
Passive-  A sweet song is sung by Sheela.
Passive-  Football is being played by them.
Passive-  Worms are eaten by birds.
Passive-  A book is read by him.

Active Voice का अध्ययन हम 12 Tenses जबकि Passive Voice बनाने का अध्ययन हम 8 Tenses के अंतर्गत करते है जो निम्नलिखित है

Active VoicePassive Voice
1- Present Indefinite Tense1- Present Indefinite Tense
2- Present continuous Tense2- Present continuous Tense
3- Present Perfect Tense3- Present Perfect Tense
4- Present Perfect Continuous tense4- Present Perfect Continuous tense [ का Passive नहीं बनता है ]
5- Past Indefinite Tense5- Past Indefinite Tense
6- Past continuous Tense6- Past continuous Tense
7- Past Perfect Tense7- Past Perfect Tense
8- Past Perfect Continuous Tense8- Past Perfect Continuous Tense [ का Passive नहीं बनता है ]
9- Future Indefinite Tense9- Future Indefinite Tense
10- Future Continuous Tense10- Future Continuous Tense [ का Passive नहीं बनता है ]
11- Future Perfect Tense11- Future Perfect Tense
12- Future Perfect Continuous Tense12- Future Perfect Continuous Tense [ का Passive नहीं बनता है ]

1- Present Indefinite Tense के अंतर्गत Active से Passive बनाने का अध्ययन

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